Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Note to the Christ Follower

Where do your affections lie? Do you find yourself feasting on the excellencies of Christ's love and glory? How is your time alone with Him? Are you investing in the most important relationship? The relationship that makes you alive? The one that you were born for?

One thing we as must never forsake is our place of personal prayer, Bible reading, meditation, Bible memorization, and worship. I find that most Christians are struggling with petty inward focused issues because they have lost this place of intimacy with God in their lives. Don't let this go. If was to rate the next two issues that cause Christians grief, it's first breaking fellowship with believers that will love them and speak the truth, people that are mature (or just not having this kind of relationship enough). The next would be people not using their gifts or not having an outlet for the creativity that God has given them.

Get alone with Jesus today. Shut the door. Crack open your Bible. Laugh, cry, worship, pray, dream. Be with Him and reach out to His heart until He grabs ahold of yours!

1 comment:

Andre Benjamin said...

That statement "reach out to his heart until he grabs a hold..." deeply profound truth. Great post