Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What if we Gave a Choice?

What if we gave a choice
to the ones who have no voice?
What if life was valued
before men took women to the bedroom?

What if slavery had it's end
because customers stopped their sin?
What if life culture represents
elders, youngens, and adolescents?

What if all we owed was love
because we were filled from above?
What if we decided to touch each
with respect and a loving reach?

What if our vote reflected our values
because our conscience gave the cues?
What if justice and mercy we were to meet
and we found that peace had a seat?

What if you needed a new heart
and all that you longed for was a fresh start?
Who gives you a chance at free
to let go and to let you be?

What if all the death you caused
could be wiped away and guilt restrained?
What if the voices were silenced
and your dreams were no longer menaced?

What if you met Jesus for all the right reasons
because your loved no matter the seasons?
What if this isn't too good to be true
that no matter what your part you can be brand new?

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