Saturday, December 27, 2008


A great friend of mine recently sat down with a young lady that began to press him about his job and such. He reluctantly talked to her about what he did and touched on some of the pro-family lobbying that he did. It was a sad series of events throughout their conversation that lead to the place where she questioned his "hateful" pro-life basis on the grounds that he has no rights to pass moral judgement on the issue because of his gender. WHAT?!

There's been a sad series of events in our nation that have lead us to the place where people who simply want all lives valued at every stage to be considered hateful, judgemental, and narrow minded. My heart breaks for this Christian girl (or at least that's what I was lead to believe) that has been so brainwashed by a death culture that she can't see what's clearly stated in Horton Hear's a Who ("A person's a person no matter how small"), or the Bible: Psalm 139:13 "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb (NIV)."

I understand that we have some Old Testament "Christians" that have bombed abortion clinics and targeted abortion doctors, but these guys are way off base and are clearly violating the heart of God over the issue. It's wrong to use violence to change the hearts of people concerning the issue of life. But we are in a tough place right now. The liberal is kicking our butts on this issue by leading in the way they have framed their movement. This stinks, but it's where we are at. I'm praying this: Jesus, I plead your blood over my sin and the sin of my nation, God end abortion and send revival to America. As well as this: God give us wisdom to rebrand a life culture movement that will change the hearts of people concerning the value of life.

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