Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Goals

I have some goals for the new year. I don't know if they line up with the most popular resolutions or anything. For instance, due to my lightening fast metabolism, I don't need a weight loss goal ("they" tell me that will change). I want to keep it simple, something that keeps me focused. Here they are:

1. Read my Bible and pray everyday (at least a half hour and preferably an hour)
2. Have 1 date night a week with my hot wife
3. Have at least one family night a week
4. Excercise three times a week

I have another couple of goals, but I'm keeping one card close to my chest for now. The other is that I want to share Jesus by praying for people and sharing the Gospel just while I'm out and about in everyday life. I want it to be more regular. I've been spotty and I know God's calling me to do it as a lifestyle. It feels weird to put it as an official goal though right now. What's one of yours?

Happy New Year!

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