Saturday, February 14, 2009

I don't know what to write

I don't think I necessarily have writer's block. It's not like a blog requires that much forethought (at least mine). Well, I have been overwhelmed lately with all the abortion laws that have been passing. I believe that over time we will see a shift towards life in this nation. If you haven't heard about Sycloria Williams and what happened to her baby, you really should read about it, but be prepared to be sickened. The link is here. I believe this will even grieve pro-choicers, my prayer is that it does. On the other hand we have this bizarre case with the octuplet mom, who now has a single mother home of fourteen children. Cases like this certainly don't help the pro-life movement. I find myself praying often for our president and believe that to honor God he must change his policies concerning life. I'm also sickened by all the Christians who believe that Obama will become successful at making abortions rare with his stated tactics. I pray that he does make them rare (and not at all), I just think that it's ridiculous to defend that position with what he has done so far and promised to do in the future.

On the home front, my wife is still sick with a sinus infection, and my girls are busy. Especially Emma, she's super busy right now, which I find incredibly cute. Hailey is talking so big right now. Last night Hailey, Emma, and I were at the store to get a Valentine Card for Grace. When I read our final Snoopy card to Hailey she said, "That's the funniest card I've ever seen," with a little laugh. My family's amazing. I can't wait to see our first little boy.

On the heart front, I desperately want people to meet Jesus like I have. I want all of Christ, for all of me. A relationship with Jesus is glorious. Sure I've been disillusioned, frustrated, and angry in my Christian faith, but nothing is better in a life of sin and shame. I love to taste of the pleasure of loving God. Like John Piper, I'd have to say that I'm a Christian hedonist (but I'm not that Calvinist). My greatest joy in life is being overtaken by Jesus. I wish I always felt the pleasure of loving God, but I'm growing in it. I want people to know this incredible God and be free from all that holds them captive.

I've sure loving being a youth pastor lately. More than before. I've always enjoyed it, but God is getting those youth into my heart. They're amazing and it's an honor to raise up warriors in the army of the Lord. They will do great things in their life times. It will be fun to cheer them on!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on a boy coming! When is Grace due? I am excited for you can already tell, we LOVE having kids!
I am also grieved with the abortion stuff that seems to keep getting worse.

John Michael Hammer said...

Grace is due mid June. She will have a scheduled c-section, so I'm not sure what the date will be yet. Thanks, we're excited for kids too!