Monday, January 26, 2009

Long Term Family Planning and the Financial Crisis

What if people planned on having big families? What if Joe Bob had so many kids, that his kids could just pitch in a small fraction of their savings later in life to care for Joe Bob's elderly/retirement needs? What if there was an incentive to have large families so that families could be financially stable?

Our government has put forth a narrow minded solution today and may possibly be retracting it a day later. Nancy Pelosi was quoted in an article today where she stated that putting $200 million towards contraception would help the economy by relieving financial aid to impoverished families giving birth to new children. So apparently children have become a burden.

More babies, more possible creative solutions. Less babies, less possible creative solutions. Another classic example of a mindset that sees limited resources and limited solutions. This thinking is absurd. Let me explain. Let's say that in our country that there are only 100 jobs and there are 101 people that need jobs. A mindset that is narrow minded and closed believes that we have to short one person, kill one person, split the profits of another person,etc. An open minded solution would be to create a new job, a new industry, a new product, a new way to recycle, a new service, etc.

More people do not limit us. Our ideas limit us. Less people, less ideas, less energy. More people, more ideas, more enegry.


Andrew Michels said...

here is the problem, John. Pelosi and people of her kind have been preaching against traditional families for years now. They know, however, that kids that come from a single parent home are much more likely to be a burden on society, so their solution isn't to promote men and women getting married and staying married, their solution is to make sure people who get pregnant outside of marriage simply don't get pregnant, or end the pregnancy BEFORE he/she becomes a burden.

It is a lot like the incredibly scary percentage of junior highers in America who claim to already be having sexual encounters. We have been told for years that abstinence-only programs don't work, so we need to tell young kids all about sex, how to have it, what to do, and where to get condoms. That has not only made our generation more perverse, but clearly the rates of sexuality among teens has skyrocketed.

John Michael Hammer said...

Stupid, time out. I just tried to respond, but now I have to get to something else. I finished my statement and the computer did something weird. Anywho, this is a problem and we have an up hill battle. I have faith for transformation, but we need a long term view and commitment to release ideas. Ideas have the power to bring shifts, but they may take decades to bring those about. We need Christ disciples who will pray it, sing it, blog it, film it, etc. etc and mostly we need a Gospel revivial where men are regenerated by the power of Jesus Christ to live new lives and think new thoughts.